Minimizing our carbon footprint is critical. With our shredding machines Chemco can convert mats that used to be trucked to a landfill for disposal and grind them up to be used for things such as biofuel, absorbents and mulch.

Chemco cares about the environment and sustainable energy by providing experience and expertise in the Solar Power Facilities, Access Matting and Mobile Wood Recycling Services.
Chemco is proud of our relationships with some of Canada’s best Solar Power designers and manufacturers. Chemco and our preferred suppliers allow our clients to have one point of contact for their solar projects. No matter how large the project, from concept through to commissioning, the Chemco team brings expertise in specific disciplines ensuring timelines are met and project costs are lowered.
Chemco has been part of the wind generation industry since the 1990’s. We understand the complexities of the industry and are proud to be part of helping wind generation in Alberta grow exponentially – from 1 629 GW.h in 2010 to over 4 119 GW today.
With locations across Canada Chemco stocks and installs a wide variety of matting solutions to fit your needs. Whether providing temporary access to remote locations or a permanent platform for your project, Chemco’s Access Matting Division has the equipment and experience to keep you moving.
Chemco’s Access Matting Solutions will allow you to spend less time reclaiming a job site once complete and enhance returning the site to its original condition. Having in house logistics and civil divisions means we can turn your project around quickly. Our large inventory of bolted, rig, cross laminated and crane mats plus bridging options ensure we have the right product to fit your needs.
Chemco empowers people to be successful.